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Masonry is the world's first and largest fraternal organization. It is a body of knowledge and a system of ethics based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, faith, country, and fraternity. As Masons, we lead by example, give back to our communities, and support numerous Masonic philanthropies.

We invest in children, our neighborhoods, and our future. Our Mission is guided by the enduring and relevant tenets of our fraternity-Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth-and our core values, which include. Our lives are based on honor and integrity, and we believe that honesty, compassion, trust, and knowledge are important.
On behalf of the brothers and fellows of Oceanside - San Dieguito Lodge No. 381, we welcome you to our website! We are honored that you have graced us with your presence and by your interest in our Lodge and Freemasonry. Oceanside 381 is a traditional Blue Lodge in North County San Diego California.
Lodge membership is open to men 18 and older who meet the qualifications and standards of character and intention, and who believe in a Supreme Being and a future existence (immortality of the soul). One of Freemasonry's customs is not to solicit members - men must seek membership on their own initiative.
Reviews (2)
Dylan Schenk
Dylan Schenk
Aug 26, 2019
My grandfather was a freeMason in Switzerland. I have always been fascinated. I would love to learn more and possibly witness a ceremony. Is there any way I would be able to join ? Or help out in any way?
Tom Wood
Tom Wood
Nov 14, 2017
A nice, clean building regularly loaned out to community organizations. I give blood through the Red Cross there every 8 weeks. Thank you to the Free Masons for your wonderful service to the area!