When you may have fallen behind on properly maintaining your financial records and need help getting your books up-to-date. Provide financial statement comparisons of how your individual business is performing compared to budget and prior year. We understand running a business is very time consuming.
From taking in orders, providing services, invoicing customers', paying vendors, and then add all the reconciliation of accounts on-top of everything else that happens within a business. JK Bookkeeping Services started because we wanted to provide small businesses with full-range of Business best practice, bookkeeping, and accounting services.
From taking in orders, providing services, invoicing customers', paying vendors, and then add all the reconciliation of accounts on-top of everything else that happens within a business. JK Bookkeeping Services started because we wanted to provide small businesses with full-range of Business best practice, bookkeeping, and accounting services.
We understand running a business is very time consuming. From taking in orders, providing services, invoicing customers', paying vendors, and then add all the reconciliation of accounts on-top of everything else that happens within a business. JK Bookkeeping Services started because we wanted to provide small businesses with full-range of Business best practice, bookkeeping, and accounting services.
Data Entry: We will connect your financial accounts to your bookkeeping software and begin data entry. Reconciliation: Reconcile all your accounts and make sure that all your accounts are accurate. Reporting: We will consolidate all your transactions and accounts. Then, prepare your financial reports for month-end and year-end.
When you may have fallen behind on properly maintaining your financial records and need help getting your books up to date. Reconciliation of all balance sheet accounts (Bank Accounts, Credit Cards, Liabilities, Assets). This is a question we often get asked and the short answer is it varies according to each customer's situation.
This is the process of where we go through and analyze various financial documents in order to offer insight into the health of your company. A Financial Analysis is essential for monitoring your company's performance over time and how it is progressing towards its goals. Performance and Trends : Analysis your current financial performance and identify key trends for future expenses.
Keeping the integrity of your books is number one followed by allowing you to focus on your day to day operations. What is there is something additional that I may need that is outside the normal scope of business?. Often there are unique situations that may be on-going or a one time need, either way let us know so we can figure out how to solve your needs.