Red spray roses, bright yellow sunflowers, orange daisy spray chrysanthemums and curly willow make this bouquet so beautiful, it's scary! It's accented by two black bats and nestled inside our popular ceramic Trick & Treat Pumpkin, complete with a jack-o-lantern face. Perfect for a fall centerpiece, birthday or Halloween party, this flower-filled ceramic pumpkin is a real cutie-pie.
Everyone falls for this fabulous fall gift! Celebrate the season with this autumn arrangement of roses and alstroemeria, arranged in a classic ceramic pumpkin they'll use year after year! Radiantly rustic sunflowers and other beautiful blooms in a hand-painted ceramic pumpkin that is truly the pick of the patch.
Everyone falls for this fabulous fall gift! Celebrate the season with this autumn arrangement of roses and alstroemeria, arranged in a classic ceramic pumpkin they'll use year after year! Radiantly rustic sunflowers and other beautiful blooms in a hand-painted ceramic pumpkin that is truly the pick of the patch.