In an effort to recognize unusual and outstanding contributions to I-O psychology, SIOP invites members to nominate colleagues for SIOP Fellowship, one of the highest honors a member can receive. Cambridge Scholars Publishing Proposals for Academic books and collections in Social Sciences.
SIOP and the SIOP Foundation, together with our members and donors, support I-O science and practice that advances diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations.Industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology is the scientific study of the workplace. The knowledge base and scientific methods of psychology are applied to issues of critical relevance to business.
SIOP and the SIOP Foundation, together with our members and donors, support I-O science and practice that advances diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations.Industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology is the scientific study of the workplace. The knowledge base and scientific methods of psychology are applied to issues of critical relevance to business.
The history of I-O psychology is varied and fascinating, stretching back to the earliest days of Hugo Munsterberg, through the Industrial Revolution, and into the turbulent years of the formation of SIOP. Learn more about past presidents, conferences, and other exciting events in I-O history as you take a virtual walk through these halls.
The presence of overt and institutionalized racial discrimination constitutes direct and indirect threats to the well-being and performance of employees and employers alike. Thus, anti-racism in the workplace is a topic that I-O professionals must continue addressing. Rapid advancement in I-O psychology and the organizational sciences now is surely needed.
SIOP offers advertising, exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities at our two pinnacle events-the SIOP Annual Conference and the SIOP Leading Edge Consortium. The SIOP Annual Conference is the premier international event in industrial-organizational psychology, featuring more than 300 educational sessions, an exhibit hall, networking opportunities, and social activities.
SIOP's government relations and public policy initiatives focus on raising awareness of the importance of industrial and organizational psychology science. For the last several years, SIOP has put great effort into emphasizing the prosocial side of our field. This involves both science and practice that seeks to benefit others and/or society as a whole.
As evidenced by Objective 2.4 of our Strategic Plan, we understand the importance and value of our website as a communication tool and member resource. While we are always working to create an informative, user-friendly website, in early 2021, the Website Subcommittee was formed to amplify and support those efforts.
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