You are unique - and so is your condition. That's why at Premier Physical Therapy, we take a personalized, one-on-one approach to your care. Our therapist will take the time to do a thorough evaluation and come up with an individualized plan to accomplish your goals. Our therapist is& committed to the use of targeted manual therapy, therapeutic exercise and modalities to relieve pain and improve function as fast as possible.
Our staff wants to get to know you and how we can help you progress back to a pain-free daily schedule without limitations.
Our staff wants to get to know you and how we can help you progress back to a pain-free daily schedule without limitations.
Here at Premier Physical Therapy we are driven by our mission statement to provide physical therapy in a professional, caring, and pleasant environment. Our entire staff works hard to provide a patient-first atmosphere in which your comfort and care are our primary concern. Your satisfaction is how we define our success!
Thank You for choosing Premier Physical Therapy! Please complete the Patient Intake Information Forms (Including your insurance information) and the Patient History form and bring them with you to your first appointment. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early for your first appointment. You and your attorney must sign and date the document.
The choice is yours. Your physician will likely give you a recommendation or a listing of physical therapists in the area. Your insurance company may also guide you as to which physical therapists are "in network" for your insurance plan. However, the choice of where you receive physical therapy is ultimately up to you.
Reviews (1)
Ronda Powell
May 04, 2014
I came into this clinic barely walking. From head to toe I have muscle issues. At the time neither of us knew I had muscular dystrophy. I was in a lot of pain everywhere. Did not know why. No one else knew what to do with me. With Justin's hard work and knowledge, I am able to walk across my yard and garden, also I am able to do so many things I used to take for granted. My pain level is down to a one. It's more of just discomfort now. It is a pleasant atmosphere and Justin listens to what you have to say. The manual therapy he does is exactly what my muscles needed. I am still in therapy and have