The last 3 Water wells we drilled in April of 2021 where for people who already had a water well, but the water wells they had were very poor and low water producers, we drilled them new water wells with the cable tool method and all 3# wells were Much better and much larger producers of GPM water out put.
When you call Andrews drilling the owner is the one who drills your water well, not a hired hand. Andrew has been drilling sense he was 14 yrs old, Holds current license in 2 states and also has passed the National ground water association test. He has trained missionary's to drill world wide and also has not just mastered drilling, he has also bilt, and designed, and refurbished drilling rigs.
When you call Andrews drilling the owner is the one who drills your water well, not a hired hand. Andrew has been drilling sense he was 14 yrs old, Holds current license in 2 states and also has passed the National ground water association test. He has trained missionary's to drill world wide and also has not just mastered drilling, he has also bilt, and designed, and refurbished drilling rigs.
In Wyoming getting a water well permit can take from 2 to 3 weeks to get, BUT there is a trick shot to get one in 1 week or less. Call us or text us for details. Wyoming requires a water well permit before even starting drilling a water well. The best thing is to get your permit early. Permits are good for 1 yr.
Windmizer XL200 makes 200 amp enough to power full size home and even out buildings and barn. Off grid Wyoming systems in Saratoga. We don;t just sell solar and wind systems, we use them ourselves and in brutal conditions. Cheaper made wind Generators Are built small and light so they can ship cheap UPS, the Mindmizer XL 200 weighs 750 lbs, just the genset head.
For correctly trouble shooting water well pumps and systems, you MUST understand Ohms, electricity A/C and D/C, and amp draw, correct Wire size gauge to handle the load. Wyoming just started licencing well drillers in 2006, so many wells drilled before then are sub standard, and Jerry rigged. Like too small wire, shotty construction and wrong size screen and pumps.
In many places in the USA 10 to 15 gpm water well output is standard, But in Wyoming there are many places where if you get 2 gallons per minute ( GPM ) output, thank God you have a good well. Rotary mud drilling uses heavy clay bentonite sealers that can and will seal off smaller water formations less than 6 GPM output.
If you own a home with a well in Wyoming, you know that Water well trouble can hit at the worst possible time, like at the start of a holiday weekend, and off-hours repairs it can be hard to find anyone to come out. Andrews Water Well drilling and repair can and will get you going again. The most common symptoms of well trouble are no water at all, pulsing water pressure and a pump that runs constantly.