Relieving many painful and disabling conditions through an integrative approach to Oriental medicine. Individualized treatments to fit your unique needs. We at the Acupuncture & Integrative Wellness Center combine Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and current scientific knowledge to offer an array of traditional and modern modalities to accommodate the needs of our patients.
TCM integrates many therapies, and is applied by practitioners to treat illness and pain. Acupuncture can be used as an alternative way to treat a wide variety of conditions. Each person is composed of bio-energetic systems, and when these systems become unbalanced, pain or illness result.
TCM integrates many therapies, and is applied by practitioners to treat illness and pain. Acupuncture can be used as an alternative way to treat a wide variety of conditions. Each person is composed of bio-energetic systems, and when these systems become unbalanced, pain or illness result.
We know what you're thinking, and acupuncture DOES NOT feel like a shot. When the needles are inserted, you may feel a slight tingling sensation if anything at all. Many people find the treatments relaxing and even fall asleep! Your first session will include a thorough consultation, so that both you and our practitioners can decide if and how acupuncture & integrative medicine will help you reach your health goals.