Pomegranate Studios is an educational and presenting organization, nestled in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico. Established in 1996 by Founder/Director Myra Krien, Pomegranate provides high quality programs of the rich artistic heritage of the Middle East as expressed through music, dance, poetry, visual arts and other art forms as they relate to American culture.
Pomegranate Studios and the Pomegranate SEEDs (Self-Esteem, Empowerment, and Education through Dance) offer dance instruction to all levels and ages: 5-18, Six adult classes per week at Pomegranate Studios range from beginning to advanced levels in Pomegranate Improvisational (formerly ATS), Oriental, and Fusion styles of belly dance.
Pomegranate Studios and the Pomegranate SEEDs (Self-Esteem, Empowerment, and Education through Dance) offer dance instruction to all levels and ages: 5-18, Six adult classes per week at Pomegranate Studios range from beginning to advanced levels in Pomegranate Improvisational (formerly ATS), Oriental, and Fusion styles of belly dance.
Pomegranate Studios is an educational and presenting organization, nestled in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico. Established in 1996 by Founder/Director Myra Krien, Pomegranate provides high quality programs of the rich artistic heritage of the Middle East as expressed through music, dance, poetry, visual arts and other art forms as they relate to American culture.
Established in 2000, Pomegranate SEEDs is an after-school program for youth (13-18 yrs). The class meets 2 days a week throughout the school year. Participants will receive instruction in Pomegranate Improvisational Dance (PID), and will use journals and talking circles to discuss a range of issues including self-esteem, body-image, financial independence, and personal goals.
Myra Krien is a renowned Middle Eastern dance artist, an international performer, choreographer and teacher of belly dance. Krien has performed on some of Americas most prestigious stages, toured internationally, performed for PBS and Japanese television and been reviewed by national publications such as Dance Magazine, Bliss and the Santa Fean.
Myra Krien is a renowned Middle Eastern dance artist, an international performer, choreographer and teacher of belly dance. Krien has performed on some of Americas most prestigious stages, toured internationally, performed for PBS and Japanese television and been reviewed by national publications such as Dance Magazine, Bliss and the Santa Fean.
Are you feeling unsure of the next step to take in your dance life? Do you worry you could be a stronger performer? Do you want to take your dance to the next level, turn your dance life into your career, but feel unclear where to start? Do you feel stagnant or unprepared? Do you want to align your work with your life's passion, but feel you lack the confidence, clarity and vision to take the next step?.
Reviews (9)
Roblair Reichter
Jul 14, 2021
Jennifer Anna Marie Smith
Feb 20, 2020
Ellen Shapiro
Oct 22, 2019
Julia Walker
Sep 18, 2019
Jessica Johns
Jun 24, 2018
Lenore Gallegos
Sep 09, 2016
Sadie Marquardt
Dec 14, 2015
Karen Doyle
Dec 14, 2014
Misha Cain Nell
Nov 27, 2014
I've had the pleasure to take several workshops with Myra and, also, to review her DVDs. She brings a unique and fresh approach to tribal style bellydance and to the dance world in general. She is so kind and welcoming, warm and loving and continually supports the dancers with whom she is working whether it is for a few hours or for years. She is a true treasure and her studio is a wonderful resource.