Our coaches at the Psycho-Energetic Institute support individuals, couples and groups who find themselves in repetitive patterns of chaotic relationships and situations that leave unable to reach their intended passions and goals.
We do so by giving information that enables our clients to understand the practical flow of energy in and out of their lives through their nine energy core areas, and equipping them with behavior modification tools to develop new habits - releasing the bleeds and attracting the feeds - that will enable them to make the necessary changes to stop attracting chaos and instead attract success.
We do so by giving information that enables our clients to understand the practical flow of energy in and out of their lives through their nine energy core areas, and equipping them with behavior modification tools to develop new habits - releasing the bleeds and attracting the feeds - that will enable them to make the necessary changes to stop attracting chaos and instead attract success.
The Energy Model of Therapeutic Change is a life changing technique that I developed and refined across three decades. In my previous career as a counselor, I felt that something was ethically wrong with asking my clients to spend years (and thousands) in therapy digging up old memories (with different levels of historical accuracy) and then attaching those to their current situation.
This program offers eleven one-month coaching and behavior modification coaching modules, each covering of the nine energy core key-life areas as well as offering you an introduction to the energy model and it's tools in the beginning and a 'pulling it all together' one-month coaching module at the end.
Through Hypnotherapy, we help our clients to identify and release destructive patterns, habits and blockages. Hypnotherapy is very effective on it's own and also works even better when used along with the life coaching programs where you can learn the how's and why's of the obstacles that block you energy paths.
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