Our wealth management approach offers a perfect blend between personal service and technology. We do not believe that any one way is best for investors of today or tomorrow. The complete use of technology doesn't truly advise clients on all of their wealth needs, the same way the complete archaic and lack of use of technology doesn't afford clients the ability to free up time for the activities they love.
We, like you, want to be successful. If we do the right thing with you, then you will likely have a positive view of us. Trust is developed through a series of positive interactions over time, not by a sales pitch or catch phrase. The financial industry is riddled with arrogance, complacency and entitlement.
No matter which hat I'm wearing - Advisor, business owner, life partner - I am an unwavering idealist at heart. I have always felt anything is possible and that most things can be fixed. I believe that if you put your mind to something, you can accomplish any goal over time and I truly love helping people achieve those goals.
The market is not monolithic. Sectors, styles, countries all come into and fall out of favor, not to mention the global inter-dynamic relationships of monetary and fiscal policies. No single approach is appropriate for all market environments, so the use of a multi-model approach: Fundamental Analysis, Quantitative Analysis and Technical Analysis.
The financial services industry is riddled with fees most investors are just plainly unaware or don't understand - and it is not your fault! So as in everything we do, we want to make it much more transparent. First off, putting commissions and direct advisor pricing aside, let's talk about product fees.
Financial planning is more than just having a plan for your investments, it is a comprehensive plan to help support all your goals. Getting old just stinks, but not being prepared makes it that much worse. While this video is helpful, you should contact an advisor for help. Making sure you have the right Long Term Care Insurance, and proper plans written down for others to act on if need be.
Reviews (1)
Nick L.
Jan 26, 2018
The last decade taught us we no longer can depend on savings methods of the past. Those ideals no longer provide the stability they once did. We all must put our savings to work and Bob understands exactly how to do that for individuals at all income levels. Bob provides a solid plan based on the individual. His ability to find quality investments across multiple markets gives investors quite a portfolio to select from. Bob is more than just an advisor he has become a partner in the business of my life.