Our current staff of foresters' intent is to manage and control all aspects of land management from burning our prairies to planting our trees to harvesting with the least amount of impact. Keeping our forest healthy and diverse while maximizing productivity provides the most benefit to the company, stockholders, and employees of the Amana Society, Inc.
Thousands of trees are planted each year with focus on walnut, red oak and white oak. Other species such as hickory, elm and hackberry regenerate more easily in our forest and don't need to be planted. The residents of the Amana Colonies also contribute to our forest by collecting walnut seeds that we plant in a small nursery, mature for 3 years and replant into the forest.
The community of True Inspiration, now known as the Amana Colonies, selected their present location in the Iowa River Valley for several reasons. One, was the nearly 10,000 acres of forest which has not changed appreciably in size since settlement. Trees were an important source of fuel for the community kitchens and for heating-wood.
Reviews (1)
Hazel Oak Farms
Oct 23, 2019