Not all items shown will be available when visiting our store. We do our best to update our gallery, but please keep in mind these photos are to give you an idea of what kind of items we sell. If you are interested in an item shown in our gallery and won't be visiting for awhile please feel free to contact us.
We will do our very best to answer and questions you may have. Sparked by the purchase of a "hoarding house" filled with interesting artifacts in Walla Walla Washington, Antiques and Art on Main was born and has been serving the Pendleton area since 2013. Vicky decided to purchase the beautiful building that now houses her unique finds located on Main St. in 2014.
We will do our very best to answer and questions you may have. Sparked by the purchase of a "hoarding house" filled with interesting artifacts in Walla Walla Washington, Antiques and Art on Main was born and has been serving the Pendleton area since 2013. Vicky decided to purchase the beautiful building that now houses her unique finds located on Main St. in 2014.
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