Along with your soil testing results come soil fertilizer recommendations, based directly on the results of your soil tests. Additional consulting is also available. We specialize in Nontoxic, Sustainable, Biological agriculture and the required transitional process. We sell a broad spectrum of biologically enhancing products, both bulk and packaged.
Crop Services Int'l (CSI) represents over 40 years of guiding growers whose goals are transitioning to more sustainable growing paradigms, and increasing profitability. The first step in the transition process is to establish the existing mineral levels and ratios of your soil by testing.
Crop Services Int'l (CSI) represents over 40 years of guiding growers whose goals are transitioning to more sustainable growing paradigms, and increasing profitability. The first step in the transition process is to establish the existing mineral levels and ratios of your soil by testing.
Crop Services Int'l (CSI) represents over 40 years of guiding growers whose goals are transitioning to more sustainable growing paradigms: reducing chemical fertilizers, fungicide and herbicides and increasing profitability. The technology and concepts utilized can be found in our book The Nontoxic Farming Handbook, newsletters, and various publications focused on improving soil health.
We call ourselves Nontoxic/Sustainable/Biological. CSI also services Organic, Bio-Dynamic and Quantum orientated growers. We believe that Mother Nature has a system that recycles nutrients, develops deep soil structure and tilth and generally gives the grower - and especially those raising livestock - the best of all worlds e.g.
A standard extraction solution used by most soil laboratories that is assumed to measure total nutrients available for agronomic purposes. These readings help to define your soil and show what is missing according to sustainable agronomic practices. This test does not show what nutrients are actually available to the growing plant, only what's potentially available to the plant.
Your soil fertilizer recommendations will be based on the results of your CEC and/or LaMotte tests. Both tests are preferred for initial soil analysis and are used to begin balancing the soil according to the Cation Exchange Model (CEC), and to activate the biological processes that will increase the LaMotte readings.
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