ABATE of Wisconsin, Inc. is a motorcycle rights and safety organization (not a club) dedicated to "Freedom of the Road.". ABATE of Wisconsin's goal is to give the motorcyclists of Wisconsin a strong, united voice with regard to their future, their way of life, their safety, and their legal rights as motorcyclists and citizens.
ABATE of Wisconsin, since it's beginning in the 1970's, has worked on issues such as mandatory helmet and seat belt use laws, angle parking restriction, motorcycle equipment restrictions, promoting Rider Safety Courses, license renewal policies, and more.
ABATE of Wisconsin, since it's beginning in the 1970's, has worked on issues such as mandatory helmet and seat belt use laws, angle parking restriction, motorcycle equipment restrictions, promoting Rider Safety Courses, license renewal policies, and more.
From time to time the ABATE of Wisconsin Legislative Committee sends out Action Alerts. These alerts call our membership to action, asking members to contact their Legislators in person and with phone calls, email, and letters. Please take an active part and subscribe to receive these alerts. You will receive a welcome text on your cell phone, which you must answer personally before we finally add you to our alert list.
We hope that you make the decision to join us in defending your right to ride. Each member is very important to our mission in Wisconsin and in Washington, D.C. When our ABATE State Officers meet with the legislators who are impacting your future, the size and strength of our membership is an important tool in getting the attention of law-makers and policy makers.
These pictures were provided by Greg & Diane Rodd and the Land Development Committee. It is ABATE's hope to have volunteers help with the developement of this land. ABATE of Wisconsin has started to build a database of resources that may be available from members and others willing to help out with this project.
Welcome John "Blaze" Erlandson to our team of MRF Assistant State Reps! Blaze lives in Madison and is a member of the C.C. Riders. The definition of Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. I know to. In a few years ABATE of WI will be celebrating its 50th anniversary of being the premier states motorcyclists' rights organization in the United States.
The ABATE of Wisconsin Legislative Committee is responsible for formulating and presenting our Federal and State legislative agenda to the ABATE Board of Directors (BOD) for approval. Upon approval, the committee is then charged with acting on the agenda. This includes pressing for passage of legislation beneficial to motorcyclists, and the defeat of laws and bill detrimental to motorcyclists, both in Wisconsin, and nation-wide.