A wife, and a Mother of two, I didn't think that the intuition I've always had and a few good "stories" of seeing glimpses of spirits in old houses was going to end up with me being a full blown Psychic Medium. But it did. I started with learning Tarot and very quickly realized I was getting more information than just what the cards meant.
Quickly, very quickly, events unfolded and I realize I'm a Medium and can connect with people who have passed on. In my readings I feel so blessed that I can help people let go of old burdens, guilt, and just plain let them have a last connection with their loved ones. It gives me great joy that I was given this gift to help people.
Quickly, very quickly, events unfolded and I realize I'm a Medium and can connect with people who have passed on. In my readings I feel so blessed that I can help people let go of old burdens, guilt, and just plain let them have a last connection with their loved ones. It gives me great joy that I was given this gift to help people.
Mediumship, or Spirit Communication is the ability of certain psychics to be able to act as a "go between" from the spirit world to the living. I can call specific people who have passed on in order for my clients to communicate with them. I have found this can be very healing to those who are left here on earth.
I will come to your home and read for a minimum of 6 people, (not including the hostess)and a maximum of 12. All attendee's will need to receive a reading. It's not fair to the other attendee's (or me) That someone can watch and not have to pay to be there. 2. People who do not get a reading may be debbie downers, and say things or make remarks that can ruin someone's special moment with a loved one who has passed.
Through working and doing readings I have begun getting calls from people needing help with troublesome activity in their homes. I have found that I can do a walk through of the home to find out who is there, (if anyone/anything) and depending on the wishes of the homeowner I can cleanse the house spiritually.
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki is administered by "laying on hands" and techniques such as this have been practiced for thousands of years. Reiki is a very simple yet powerful technique for healers to use. Ki, (like the Chinese word Chi) means life energy.
In most people's minds, "Tarot card reading" means a woman in flowing robes, leaning over a small table in a candlelit room, foretelling impending doom. BEWARE of psychics who ask for your full name and birth date! they are usually fakes who like to use Google! I will only ever ask for your first name.
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