We're always looking to expand our pool of talent. We want passionate, dedicated, affable people who love working with our clients to make their home-owning/selling dreams a reality. For your expertise, we offer: Competitive compensation & Tutelage from experienced agents. We urge you to contact us - you'll be surprised by how un-like other offices we really are.
Duo Global Real Estate Group always has the latest, insider information on all the new developments in the area.
Duo Global Real Estate Group always has the latest, insider information on all the new developments in the area.
Maybe you've grown tired of the eggshell white walls of your cookie-cutter apartment, or you can't convince your landlord to replace the brown shag carpeting in your rental. When you own your home, you can mostly do with it as you please - paint the kitchen in Green Bay Packers gold, cover your den in knotty pine paneling or wallpaper your bedroom ceilings in Laura Ashley florals.
Another thing to consider is that you have the option to rent in order to cover your second mortgage. You need to decide if you are going to declare it as a vacation home, or rental property though, because the IRS has different rules for both. Also remember that if you declare it as a rental your mortgage could be slightly higher.
Negotiation, when performed properly, can be an effective tool. Using it correctly can end up saving you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. It is important to look out for your interests, and not to over pay for a house. But the other side of that coin is making sure you consider the seller's interest as well.
If you're a Bob Vila type, you may thrill at the idea of nailing shingles on a rooftop or replumbing the bathroom. On the other hand, if you hire a handyman whenever your living room needs repainting, factor in labor costs for even simpler improvements. As with all investments, those that have the greatest potential for payoff are also the riskiest.
To find a reputable home inspector in your area, ask your local REALTOR for a recommendation -- or three! Before choosing a home inspector, ask to see a copy of a recent report he or she has prepared on a similar property. Read the fine print carefully to determine what (if any) warrantees are being made and what matters will be excluded from the report.
Reviews (1)
Rosalie Sanfilippo Giglio
Sep 13, 2017