Sage CEQA/NEPA experts have supported multiple large- and small-scale projects throughout Southern California on behalf of transportation, water, energy, public works, open space, conservation. Sage has expertise in biological surveys, technical reporting, permit compliance and consultation that meet USFWS/CDFW requirements.

Our work has a strong focus on habitat restoration. Our expertise involves water quality enhancement, flood control design and installation, regulatory permitting, sediment removal, invasive weed eradication, and habitat vegetation enhancement. Our restoration ecologists, botanists, arborists, and landscape crews have expertise in habitat restoration planning, design, vegetation installation, long-term maintenance and performance.
Sage Environmental Group provides timely and cost-effective environmental compliance processing for projects located within environmentally sensitive areas for both public- and private-funded undertakings. We understand the key to project success is a clear understanding of the current regulatory compliance environment, smart forward planning, and excellence in documentation.
Sage Environmental Group key personnel have supported multiple large- and small- scale projects throughout Southern California on behalf of transportation, water, energy, public works, parks, trail, recreation, open space, conservation areas, and development projects. Our principal planner, Alissa Cope, has 25 years of experience preparing CEQA/NEPA environmental documents, required supporting documentation, and conducting technical studies.
Permitting requires extensive knowledge of governmental rules, regulations, statutes, and guidelines. Federal, state, regional, and local agencies have different, extensive, and sometimes conflicting requirements that must be met before each individual agency will approve a project.

Long standing working relationships with Resource Agency staff allows Sage to successfully anticipate and meet their requirements early on, maintaining project schedule and budget.Upfront pre-consultation meetings with the Resource Agencies allow us to develop consensus on project implementation, monitoring and mitigation, ensuring environmental needs of the project are met efficiently.
Sage has expertise in biological surveys, technical reporting, permit compliance and consultation. Our work has a focus on habitat restoration and open space conservation. Sage has a strong background and excellent reputation among resource agencies for providing thorough study documentation and hands-on project management that includes a strong and constant communication with each client.
Sage has a highly qualified team of vegetation management experts and field crew. They have expertise in the eradication of weeds and invasive species utilizing mechanical and chemical methodologies. Our team is familiar with the identification, removal methods, and level of significance with over hundreds of exotic species likely to occur within the region.
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