Offering highly focused value investment strategies seeking superior long-term performance. Planning for the future. Personalized investment portfolios. Hayes Asset Management's investment philosophy is based on the understanding that investments are chosen on the basis of value, not popularity (bottom-up, fundamental value investing).
Value investing has three fundamental characteristics. Our process begins with a database search and daily review of securities that have reached their new low. Should a holding meet our criteria we will then review their SEC filings, company website and then contact the company directly. The Hayes Asset Management Quarterly Newsletter is published on our website as an additional service to our clients.
Value investing has three fundamental characteristics. Our process begins with a database search and daily review of securities that have reached their new low. Should a holding meet our criteria we will then review their SEC filings, company website and then contact the company directly. The Hayes Asset Management Quarterly Newsletter is published on our website as an additional service to our clients.
Hayes Asset Management, LLC is a private investment advisory firm based in Rochester, New York specializing in services for individuals, corporations and non-profit organizations. Hayes Asset Management offers high quality investment advisory services to clients throughout New York and the United States.
Hayes Asset Management's investment philosophy is based on the understanding that investments are chosen on the basis of value, not popularity (bottom-up, fundamental value investing). Value investing has three fundamental characteristics, as originally discussed by Ben Graham and David Dodd in 1934.
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