Don't make guesses: Take an educated approach to your future with the gold standard in career testing and comprehensive counseling. OUR TOOLS We use assessments that vary in price from an illuminating free exercise to the gold standard in aptitude testing, The Highlands Ability Battery.
OUR APPROACH We look at the "Whole Person, " a comprehensive model developed by the Highlands Company, including 8 factors critical to finding success and satisfaction.We use the same strategic job search methods as the top outplacement companies, but at affordable prices. Ann introduced me to the Five O'Clock Club as well as a battery of personal and professional testing mechanisms.
OUR APPROACH We look at the "Whole Person, " a comprehensive model developed by the Highlands Company, including 8 factors critical to finding success and satisfaction.We use the same strategic job search methods as the top outplacement companies, but at affordable prices. Ann introduced me to the Five O'Clock Club as well as a battery of personal and professional testing mechanisms.
There is an alternative to remaining "stuck in a rut" or taking a random stab at something. Sometimes a radical change isn't really necessary at all. A 10% "tweak" can make a big difference in how you feel, but you need to know what to tweak. When you reach a turning point in your education or career, you can get off track-sometimes way off track-unless you take a thorough look inside yourself.
In addition to our years of experience in coaching and personal counseling, we rely on methods developed by The Highlands Company, which uses the Highlands Ability Battery as the foundational piece in its "Whole Person" approach to career development. The Highlands Ability Battery is both high-tech and high-touch.
What happens when you reach a turning point in your career? What if you have been in a field for ten years and feel an urge to change? Tom reached that stage at the tender age of 25. He started as a child actor, received a degree in drama and worked in the theater as an adult. Then he realized he needed a change.
In a meteoric career, Carol moved from a position in consumer education, to a management position with a power company. She went on to become a Vice President and, ultimately, Chief Communications Officer. Unfortunately, each step up in Karen's career came at a cost to her. With each promotion, Carol moved farther from her core values- her family, her husband, her community and her true inner self.
Our Highly Experienced Counselors Use Top Technology Plus Individualized Coaching Tailored to Your Needs. Ann Brody brings a wide background in general counseling and positive psychology to her career counseling practice. She started Career Solutions, Inc. in 1995 after 200+ hours of training by The Highlands Company, a human performance enhancement company.
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