A credit insurance policy gives you the confidence to offer terms to your customers while providing you security from a customer default or bankruptcy. Credit insurance increases your competitiveness and sales by allowing you to extend your customers longer payment terms and higher credit limits. Obtaining a credit insurance policy provides the ability to borrow using insured receivables.
Most banks will not lend against uninsured foreign receivables. Our professional relationships with the top credit insurance companies helps to provide your credit department with invaluable information on customers and prospects. Trade Credit Insurance Agency, LLC is a credit insurance broker made up of experts with over 140 years of experience working with companies like yours and helping them address their credit risk and financial needs.
Most banks will not lend against uninsured foreign receivables. Our professional relationships with the top credit insurance companies helps to provide your credit department with invaluable information on customers and prospects. Trade Credit Insurance Agency, LLC is a credit insurance broker made up of experts with over 140 years of experience working with companies like yours and helping them address their credit risk and financial needs.
Trade Credit Insurance Agency, LLC is a credit insurance broker made up of experts with many years of experience working with companies like yours and helping them address their credit risk and financial needs. Trade Credit Insurance Agency, LLC specializes in credit insurance alone, and does not offer other insurance products.
A specialty broker, like Trade Credit Insurance Agency, LLC (TCIA) represents you. TCIA can market your business to all credit insurance companies, ensuring that you get the best policy for the best price, as opposed to an agent whose role is to represent one insurance company to you, and sell. This introduction of competition into the quoting process is essential in getting the best value for your money.
Founded Trade Credit Insurance Agency LLC in 2011 and grew TCIA to include office in eight states with brokers with over 165 years of experience and a top-notch customer service team. Before TCIA, Ed was a Vice President at M&T Insurance Agency from 2006-2011 where he founded and ran their credit insurance department and was very successful at helping customers protect their receivables and maximize their financing opportunities.
Tom began his trade credit insurance career in 1995 with Private Business Inc (PBI). He built and ran the brokerage division that marketed credit insurance as an enhancement to the company's lending program. While at PBI Tom was instrumental in the development of a fraud endorsement program to protect banks from borrower fraudulent activities.
Wynn has had a unique career in executive management of International Banking, foreign currency trading, International credit reports and lastly Trade Credit Insurance. With 40 years of international experience, Wynn brings an outstanding and creative approach to helping his clients with their trade credit insurance needs.
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