Windsor Prep (Grades 9 through 12) is a state-approved, nonprofit private school for students with special needs who exhibit learning, behavioral, and attention disorders. In addition, many of our students are diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. We provide a therapeutic environment to address students' social, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs.
Our primary goal is to improve students' academic achievement and social functioning for successful reintegration into the public schools. This is accomplished through a system of positive reinforcements, therapeutic interventions, and a standards-based curriculum.
Our primary goal is to improve students' academic achievement and social functioning for successful reintegration into the public schools. This is accomplished through a system of positive reinforcements, therapeutic interventions, and a standards-based curriculum.
Windsor Prep's staff members function as a team where communication is paramount. All staff work collaboratively to tailor multi-functional programs aimed at improving student academic and social success. Windsor Prep's professional teaching staff is comprised of highly qualified, fully certified educators in all subject areas, including music, art, and physical education.
Each student at Windsor Prep receives an extensive and comprehensive education based on his/her Individualized Education Program (IEP) in accordance with NJ Administrative Code 6A:14. Our curriculum is aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and each student's individual learning path.
S.T.E.A.M. education integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. The goal of STEAM education is to teach our students to work cooperatively and think critically and creatively through imaginative designs and applications, connecting a network of educational disciplines. Technology services are prevalent in the classroom environment with interactive whiteboards, individual laptops, iPads, and supervised internet access.
Our behavior program helps each student achieve his/her maximum social and emotional growth. Through positive reinforcement, students become aware of their behavioral outcomes. This motivates students to develop more appropriate coping skills and therefore learn better ways to conduct themselves across multiple settings, encouraging both academic and behavioral improvements.
Our mission is to provide students with a comprehensive education that meets each student's individual learning style while fostering a passion for learning, a strong work ethic, and preparing them for future endeavors beyond high school. The "REACH" Program offers a curriculum geared toward students who struggle in the traditional high school setting.
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