From concept to delivery, we can help you every step of the way or pick up your project at any stage. Reach your audience anywhere! Stream your next event or meeting to anyone around the globe from our studio or your office. From scripting to directing to streaming, let CSM handle behind-the-scenes so you can focus on your company's on-stage event.
CSM provides production crews for sporting events and entertainment venues across the country.
CSM provides production crews for sporting events and entertainment venues across the country.
Create engaging video content that shares stories, connects with audiences and drives clients' desired results. Transform any event, like trainings, webinar sessions or panels, into live-stream sessions. From concerts to live seminars, we have the ability to facilitate the special designed event. What makes us unique is the entrepreneurial mindset we bring to your project.
This is one of our most frequently asked questions. Video production costs can vary significantly. Each project is different from the other and separating all into packages without considering the details is part of the process. Below are some of the questions that determine the cost of a video, many of which can be broken down into 3 categories: pre-production, physical production, and post-production.