Heart of Glass Healing is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) business founded and ran by Amber Glass out of Lake Jackson, Texas. Looking to learn more about QHHT, or if you are looking to book a session with Amber Glass, this website is the one stop for all of that. I had been working in the Oil and Gas industry for close to 25 years.
About 7 years ago I decided that I wanted more out of my life and questioned my existence. I knew there was more to my life and started my journey to explain my existence. Let Your Journey Begin With QHHT connects you to this deeper wisdom and allows you to access its all-knowing qualities and abilities to usually answer any life question or challenge.
About 7 years ago I decided that I wanted more out of my life and questioned my existence. I knew there was more to my life and started my journey to explain my existence. Let Your Journey Begin With QHHT connects you to this deeper wisdom and allows you to access its all-knowing qualities and abilities to usually answer any life question or challenge.
Our minds are busy non-stop during the day (and night), worrying, planning, making decisions, ruminating, remembering and creating. The thoughts we have running incessantly through our heads can be difficult to slow down, never mind control. With its ability to bring us to a very deep level of relaxation, our conscious minds can be virtually stilled, allowing us to reach a wonderful state of peace.
Step 1 of the QHHT process begins at home where you set your intentions for a successful session. You also compose a list of questions you would like to have answered by your Higher Self - questions having to do with your health, career, relationships, personal challenges, spiritual path, life purpose, etc.
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