Cathedral City High School
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Reviews (5)
Angelina Archuleta
Angelina Archuleta
Aug 31, 2018
Honestly all this school did was tear me down. They don't care about their students.
PeePee Poopoo
PeePee Poopoo
Jun 20, 2018
I am at that school and when peoples said we do drugs we don't do drugs because are school will smell like weed but everyone don't smell weed so the peoples that said we do drugs we don't do drugs because my teacher saw theses comments about 2 months ago and he show it to the Principle and he brought everyone to the lunch room and he said he's was going to tell everyone about are Parent if we do drugs or not so WE DON'T DO DRUG SO STOP LIEING
Daffodil Perez
Daffodil Perez
Jun 25, 2017
Terrible facility. You have to pay to use, which is ridiculous. The soccer field is horrendous. The assistant princepal doesn't know to keep a civil conversation. Can't believe this school is still around.
Idk Blah Blah Blah
Idk Blah Blah Blah
Oct 19, 2015
This is a very good school not just because of the teachers and staff (which are wonderful) but also just because of the different programs that one can take to better themselves and make reaching the career goal of their choice easier.
Kimberly Calva
Kimberly Calva
Sep 19, 2015
The best highschool I could have been in because the Heal program is the best!!