The FREE and simple way to distribute your voiceover auditions to 90+ Agencies in minutes. Tell us a little about your project's voiceover needs, be sure to include a sample script for auditions. Select all your favorite Voiceover Agents, they will instantly recieve the project details and start working for you.
Agents will quickly deliver auditions from professional voiceover Talent via the site or directly to your inbox. Save hours of time and simplify the audition process with our intuitive casting management system. Search 27,000+ professional Voice Talent profiles for your next project. Choose to search by voice qualities or by agency.
Agents will quickly deliver auditions from professional voiceover Talent via the site or directly to your inbox. Save hours of time and simplify the audition process with our intuitive casting management system. Search 27,000+ professional Voice Talent profiles for your next project. Choose to search by voice qualities or by agency.
We are the foremost casting network serving producers looking for agency represented voice actors. Voice Casting Hub is the creative solution built on the two foundations of necessity and fairness. Before launching, we consulted with the industry's best and brightest to design a state of the art casting portal that addresses the diverse needs of casting directors, producers, agencies and talent.
Post your voice-over project for free and invite 100+ top Agents, collect auditions and hire in minutes, not days. Producers use Voice Casting Hub to quickly and easily distribute casting calls to over 100 voice-over agents. They see the value in collecting hundreds of auditions in just a few short hours on our simple and intuitive interface.
Create your FREE custom profile, drag and drop your demos and auditions, communicate easily with your agents and set book-outs. All voiceover talent are invited to join Voice Casting Hub, where you can create your custom profile. You'll be heard by some of the most respected agencies in our industry.
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