Chapman High School
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Our school is passionate about project based learning and real life experiences. We support six different student run businesses within the high school. Students learn hands on how to communicate, meet deadlines, invoice customers, and produce professional quality products! Floral design for homecoming, prom, Valentine's Day, and a limited number of weddings during the school year.

A design and printing business that specializes in business cards, invitations, banners, vinyls, and decor. The mission of USD 473 represents excellence that creates successful, informed and contributing members of society. USD 473 believes in these Core Values: Responsibility, Respect, Tolerance, and Motivation.
This class focuses on how different people apply culture to meeting various needs of survival and social organization. It looks at the contributions of all civilizations to the making of our Western culture. The modern historical period begins with the Renaissance and follows the cultural developments of mankind through the complexities of the Twentieth Century.
Chapman High School prides itself on our high academic standards and real world application through our CTE pathways and CHS businesses. Dr. Watson, the Commissioner of Education, has challenged all Kansas schools to think about how we can prepare students for the future. You can see his vision in the following video.
Students engage in both short and more sustained writings such as personal narrative and career research. Students study grammar and vocabulary throughout the year. Independent reading is a strong focus, and students are encouraged to choose selections that they enjoy as well as challenge their thinking.
Integrated Math courses emphasize the teaching of mathematics as problem solving, communication, and reasoning, and emphasize the connections among mathematical topics and between mathematics and other disciplines.

The multi-period sequence of Integrated Math replaces the traditional Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II sequence of courses, and usually covers the following topics during a three- or four-year sequence: algebra, functions, geometry from both a synthetic and an algebraic perspective, trigonometry, statistics and probability, discrete mathematics, the conceptual underpinnings of calculus, and mathematical structure.
Physical Science is the study of Chemistry and Physics. The first semester focuses on the interaction of Matter and Energy. We also investigate the structure and interactions of Matter. Second semester is Physics, the interaction of nonliving matter and energy. We look into the mechanical systems of force, work, motion, velocity, and acceleration.
Reviews (1)
Jessica Jason
Jessica Jason
Feb 05, 2018
I went to high school here and several of my friends as well! The school has changes so much for the better, it's wonderful! And the teachers are THE BEST IN THE COUNTRY!