Since many of your ideas accepted early in life--before the critical filter has formed, are false and many ideas accepted later are built upon the premise that false ones are true. These poorly programmed ideas keep you from self-mastery of your desired outcomes.
So, hypnotherapy will guide your activity consciously (new programming) toward your goals such as heath, happiness, and financial success including spiritual journey while working with your subconscious mind.The subconscious accepts only what the conscious mind believes at the time the suggestion is offered.
So, hypnotherapy will guide your activity consciously (new programming) toward your goals such as heath, happiness, and financial success including spiritual journey while working with your subconscious mind.The subconscious accepts only what the conscious mind believes at the time the suggestion is offered.
Our health whether it is physical or emotional & psychological health depends upon the world (environment) we are reacting to. Our perception determines who we become. The real nature of our problems is our own feelings, which are part of our mind. If we respond to difficult situations with a positive or peaceful mind, they would not be problems for us.
The subconscious contains all accumulated emotions such as fear, love, hatred, happiness, sadness, desires, disappointment and etc. bred through many generations of existence. Each thought embedded in these emotions has a certain effect on the body's physical or psychological function. Without remedial intervention of these thoughts the mind & body can be poisoned by the harmful toxins of negative emotions.
What is Past Life Regression therapy? Many people wonder what is really happening when a person regresses to a different time and space in the past life. It really does not matter whether you believe in reincarnation in order for the past life regression to be therapeutic. The important matter is that you access the subconscious mind which leads to the optimal/perfect solution for the present difficulties and painful situation.
Inner conflicts are characterized by confrontations of different parts of underlying states of our mind (various aspects of our 'subpersonalities' and also called ego states or developmental stages) pulling in opposite directions. In many cases, our behavioral or thought patterns are influenced by the teachings of our parents or caregivers during our earlier developmental stages.
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