To promote sustainable living, vibrant health, and robust habitats through regenerative agriculture. It is a challenge of modern societies to live with integrity regarding the environment. We hold that the model of true sustainable living provides not only high productivity, but also a high quality of life.
TerraPurezza, through collaborations with universities, non-governmental organizations, and local communities will implement, instruct, and advocate for agricultural practices which enhance productivity through soil regeneration, proper water conservation practices, and comprehensive management. It offers courses in nutrition, ecology, and public policy along with experiential workshops, retreats, and internships.
TerraPurezza, through collaborations with universities, non-governmental organizations, and local communities will implement, instruct, and advocate for agricultural practices which enhance productivity through soil regeneration, proper water conservation practices, and comprehensive management. It offers courses in nutrition, ecology, and public policy along with experiential workshops, retreats, and internships.
With all that we ask of our natural resources, it is the greatest challenge of our society to meet increasing human needs while living in harmony with the environment. By combining traditional Regenerative Agriculture techniques with modern technology systems, we regenerate soils to build a more vibrant foundation for nutritionally-dense food.
We raise Freedom Ranger chickens. These are a meat type bird that were developed as a hybrid of three heritage breeds and one commercial broiler. They are slower growing than the traditional white Cornish Cross chicken, which allows for better flavor development and humane quality of life. While slower growing, these birds are still processed at a young age with tender, juicy meat.
Our Red Wattle and Gloucestershire Old Spot (GOS) pigs are endangered, heritage breeds. They are listed as 'threatened' status according to The Livestock Conservancy. Red Wattle hogs, native to Texas, are known for their hardiness, foraging activity and rapid growth rate. They are a duel-purpose breed great for both meat and lard.
Our flock of over 150 hens consists of over 16 different breeds. These chickens were chosen for their heat tolerance, heritage and/or endangered breed status, free foraging ability, variety in egg colors and laying rate. This has resulted in a healthy and hardy group with an array of colors in each carton.
Garden beds are a classic way of organizing your garden area and providing above-ground additional soil for your plant's roots. The typical bed is 8 feet long by 3 feet wide and about 6-8 inches tall. We decided to raise it all the way up to waist height (3 feet) to prevent those backaches and make gardening even more of a joy.
Reviews (3)
Sontian M.-S.
Sep 06, 2020
Dave Henry
Aug 26, 2019
I buy their products at the Dripping Springs Farmer's Market and I have even visited the farm itself. It is beautiful meat and a beautiful place. I suggest a roast in the crock pot, the ribs (either kind), and the bone broth is really helpful to my joints recovering from injury (should especially). Great people too.
Tuan Pham
Sep 04, 2017