What if.you were able to exercise smarter to be healthy and fit without sacrificing valuable time? Functionised is conveniently located in Colts Neck, New Jersey and was developed in order to optimize your daily function and improve all aspects of your life. Whether your are ready for it or not, each and every day life happens.
The choice to struggle through this day or to be productive and enjoy this day is yours. Functionised offers an array of services from our high efficiency gym, precision nutrition and weight loss to brain training and coaching as well as IV therapy and the highest caliber chiropractic care to ensure you operate at your peak.
The choice to struggle through this day or to be productive and enjoy this day is yours. Functionised offers an array of services from our high efficiency gym, precision nutrition and weight loss to brain training and coaching as well as IV therapy and the highest caliber chiropractic care to ensure you operate at your peak.
What Exactly is Biohacking? Biohacking is both experimentation and implementation of the change of your own cells in order to change how they perform. Typically, biohacking is done to improve your whole body performance in daily life both on and off the playing field. If you've pursued ways to improve your health, that's biohacking.
Log in to your private account at any time, anywhere in the world, and your information is available to you on your laptop, tablet, or smart phone. Visualize how your body is changing with high quality 3D images, measurements, and your personal wellness measurements over time. Your personal data is private.
Instead of using weights as a means of resistance, ARX uses finely-tuned motors to provide what is called "adaptive resistance;" resistance applied to the user only in response to their own effort. Physical effort against resistance is the first step or "active ingredient" in all exercise, and its downstream effects give us all the health benefits we know and love from training.
The two main phases of muscle movement are the concentric phase and the eccentric phase. The concentric phase can be described as as the positive phase. The concentric phase occurs when a muscle or group of muscles shorten as they contract. This is done in order for your body to bring two bones closer together.
Does more exercise, more time spent in the gym, 2 a days or three a days translate into better results? This short video breaks down the basic principles of why we exercise and how we either turn this work into a positive or negative event for our mind and body. What is the most valuable asset in all of the universe?
Reviews (10)
Michelle Jackson
Jan 02, 2022
Carol Fannin
Dec 27, 2021
Jessica Kissee
Dec 24, 2021
Olin Mowery
Aug 25, 2021
I lost 150 lbs. I gained immense strength. I started my own (now thriving) business (the FIT Lab is an awesome place for networking). My labs are now under control. I could not be happier!!! I owe my success to Jim and Chantea Goetz of Functionised. Keep up the amazing work. You two and your entire team will be forever in my gratitude. Thank you.
Sue Taylor
Aug 05, 2021
Jamie Canning
Jul 25, 2021
Robin Coder
Jul 25, 2021
Kerrie Morgan
Jul 23, 2021
Jamal Mcbride
May 24, 2021
At my initial consultation, I felt compelled to join. Jim is a warm, caring, and informed individual that made me feel like a family member right from the beginning. It's almost 2months now I've been a member and I can say for sure the F.I.T. lab was and is a huge part of my life. I work hard there, they push me to my limits, and I'm excited to continue this journey. Thanks to Functionised for everything! Best of wishes to the team. Also I'm a member of the F.I.T Clinic btw, and Dr. Brandon is a must meet. You guys rock, 3thumbs up👊😤
Janis Minnuies
May 01, 2021
I’ve been to Dr. Mike for 4 weekly chiropractic appointments now and he has been able to completely relive pain that my former chiropractor couldn’t, was stumped by, and wrote off as not something he could help with for the past 5 months. I have been SO impressed by the time and attention he pays, as well as how holistic and thorough his treatments are. He is NOT your typical ‘same thing every time no matter what your complaint is’ kind of doctor by any means at all. Whether the pain is in my back, my hip, my neck, my arm, or headaches, Dr. Mike definitely sets out to solve the problem