New Automatic Coop Door Opener The ChickSafe door from Brinsea lets chickens out in the morning and shuts them in at night. The door opener has no mechanical switches and just one moving part that lifts the door. Crimp Cover Crops In The Row Planting and growing cash crops in living cover crops is easier with InRowl rolling/crimping units.
The row units from Dawn Equipment's Underground Ag division are designed to be used at planting, post emergence and pre canopy. Rare Farmall Sod Roller Restored When Scott Dalrymple's Super C Farmall burned up, about the only thing he didn't have to replace were tires. His Super C was a sod roller with all steel wheels.
The row units from Dawn Equipment's Underground Ag division are designed to be used at planting, post emergence and pre canopy. Rare Farmall Sod Roller Restored When Scott Dalrymple's Super C Farmall burned up, about the only thing he didn't have to replace were tires. His Super C was a sod roller with all steel wheels.
FARM SHOW Magazine got it's start in 1977 when founder Harold Johnson quit his job as editor of Farm Industry News to launch a first-of-its-kind publication without advertising. Our editors have more than 150 years of experience between them, reporting on new products and ideas. FARM SHOW focuses on "Made It Myself" inventions born in farm shops as well as latest new commercial products.
Find out for yourself what's inside of an issue of FARM SHOW Magazine, before you subscribe! If you enjoy the magazine and want more, you can easily subscribe online or by simply using the mail-in order form included inside the issue. Also included, is the 2022 Best of FARM SHOW a book showcasing the best new ideas, products and inventions from FARM SHOW Magazine.
Also included, is the 2022 Best of FARM SHOW a book showcasing the best new ideas, products and inventions from FARM SHOW Magazine. Please Note: Our Web Transactions are Safe & Secure. FREE access to 45 years of FARM SHOW's back-issues - that's more than 35,000 stories about unbelievable made-it-myself farm inventions, great shop tips, time-saving tricks & innovative ideas to help boost your farm income!
The perfect gift for anyone that's interested in learning more about whats new in the world of agriculture, farming and gardening. Each gift subscription will also receive 2 FREE Books. Also included, is the 2022 Best of FARM SHOW a book showcasing the best new ideas, products and inventions from FARM SHOW Magazine.
We're always putting together special reports for upcoming issues of FARM SHOW Magazine with the "Best" and "Worst" new Ag product or farming equipment purchased in the last couple of years.
Here's your chance to "Tell it like it is" and share with other farmers your experiences, good or bad, about any new Ag product recently purchased, new shop tool you've tested & broke or give a review about the latest must-have gadget that didn't live up to your expectations!We want to hear all about your Ag buying experiences!
Here's your chance to "Tell it like it is" and share with other farmers your experiences, good or bad, about any new Ag product recently purchased, new shop tool you've tested & broke or give a review about the latest must-have gadget that didn't live up to your expectations!We want to hear all about your Ag buying experiences!
Reviews (5)
Jon Kammerer
Jan 21, 2020
Nov 25, 2016
Damian here..
Best magazine going hands down for farmers, gardeners, and and people that do their own thinking about Ag related projects and more.
Lots of GOOD ideas shared there, and worth 10 times more then they charge for it. It's printed on real paper, so its 100% wireless- Carry it from room to room, car, truck, tractor and share the old fashioned way.
One idea used for a fix, buying a trouble free machine, and avoiding the "wrong buy" will save you big. Anybody considering this magazine- Just go for it. You can't go wrong with this publication.
Far as the man that had problems with
Best magazine going hands down for farmers, gardeners, and and people that do their own thinking about Ag related projects and more.
Lots of GOOD ideas shared there, and worth 10 times more then they charge for it. It's printed on real paper, so its 100% wireless- Carry it from room to room, car, truck, tractor and share the old fashioned way.
One idea used for a fix, buying a trouble free machine, and avoiding the "wrong buy" will save you big. Anybody considering this magazine- Just go for it. You can't go wrong with this publication.
Far as the man that had problems with
John Hicks
Oct 15, 2015
Dan Vorhis
Sep 04, 2015
I really like this magazine. Someone introduced me to it last year. No advertisements, well illustrated, and absolutely filled with hundreds of inventions and ideas from farmers all over the country. One idea can easily pay for the subscription. Example: some guy explained in detail how he tans deer hides quickly and efficiently to a soft leather stage using a portable concrete mixer and a pressure washer. Folks rate equipment, best and worst. Filled with creative, cost saving ideas every issue. Articles on rural small business start-ups that are inspiring. AND they have a free online classified
Fritz Groszkruger
Jul 24, 2015
Farm Show is five stars. Every other magazine out there masquerades as unbiased, yet Farm Show simply lets advertisers state their case and the rest of us share ideas to help others. Page 5 has some fun jokes, outside the box things of interest to ordinary folks, and liberty quotes that epitomize what this mag is all about. If Bastiat were alive today he would be a Farm Show subscriber.
The fellow who didn't receive his magazines and wrote a bad review should mellow out and know Mark Newhall would never rip anyone off. We should contact vendors with complaints before writing a negative public
The fellow who didn't receive his magazines and wrote a bad review should mellow out and know Mark Newhall would never rip anyone off. We should contact vendors with complaints before writing a negative public