Maple Creek Seeds
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We combine the best quality products with the unparalleled levels of service to create successful, long-term partnerships with growers. Offering quality Syngenta products including Golden Harvest corn and NK soybeans to help you produce more on every acre. With superior genetics and industry leading Agrisure traits, you can be sure to find the right fit for your farm.

NEXGROW alfalfa varieties feature top-performing agronomic characteristics in both glyphosate-resistant and conventional options to meet your field and forage needs. We provide the finest seed treatment to ensure that your crops are treated with the utmost precision and care. Our new location in Howells, NE is equipped with a bulk system and fully automated USC seed treater for soybeans.
Artesian™ corn hybrids, maximize yield when it rains and increase yield when it doesn't. Water+™ Intelligent Irrigation Platform delivers improved yield with up to 25 percent less irrigation compared to other programs. NEXGROW™ offers conventional and Genuity Roundup Ready alfalfa varieties that provide top yield potential, high forage quality and exceptional persistence.
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