Workforce Search Group
Workforce Search Group
Our recruiters have the talent and are relentless in their efforts to find and attract the best talent for your key positions. Our teams of recruiters have a proven track record of quickly finding and delivering the right match to meet our client's needs. At Workforce Search Group, we find impact players for you so you can concentrate on the real work of driving your company forward.

We tailor each search on key factors that are unique to your company and processes. Our goal is to provide your company a competitive edge by providing you outstanding human capital that will prove to be a great return on investment.
Workforce Search Group is a locally owned and operated placement firm that does direct placement of technical personnel staff and management level professionals into client companies. Our recruiters have a proven track record of doing successful contingency search work for a wide variety of "client" types that need a variety of "employee" types.
Following is a partial listing of jobs that we are currently seeking to fill on behalf of our employer clients. We also have a number of positions that are not listed here. We take the utmost of care with all submissions, fully understanding that confidentiality is a prime concern. Please email to communicate in general and/or to send in a resume without selecting a job.
Workforce Search Group is a leading West Michigan provider of highly skilled technical and management level professionals and certain industry specific professionals and executives. Our services are performed mainly on a Contingency basis meaning you only pay for it if you hire someone we recommend.
Like many industries, the recruiting marketplace is ever-changing. There have been recent technology changes that have impacted recruiting significantly. At Workforce Search Group, we stay current by adapting our process as new tools become available. Our process is consistent and measurable. Our recruiters maintain key performance metrics so they can continually focus on process improvement.
The search firm you choose can impact your reputation because they are representing you to the public. You want to work with a firm that is discreet and knowledgeable about your company. Most importantly, you want a search firm that will positively promote your company. At Workforce Search Group, you can be assured that our recruiters will create a positive and accurate image of your company so that the right candidates will surface.
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