Experience your personalized integrative mind-body holistic healing of Acupuncture-Hypnosis, Acupuncture-Massage, Reiki-Massage, Reiki-Acupuncture or work with Lea to determine your best individualized multi-modal therapy combination here in the calm of west Sedona. Contact Lea for a short consultation or to schedule your appointment in Sedona or to schedule a remote (phone or Skype) session or in our Sedona office.
Hypnosis and guided meditation are, in reality, guided self-hypnosis and guided self-meditation. Abundant Life Well-Being is able to offer you a wide array of holistic health services. Drawing from our multi-modal "tool box" of services, which include Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy, Reiki and Massage, we are well equipped to help you find relief from stress, injuries, illnesses, or discomfort.
Hypnosis and guided meditation are, in reality, guided self-hypnosis and guided self-meditation. Abundant Life Well-Being is able to offer you a wide array of holistic health services. Drawing from our multi-modal "tool box" of services, which include Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy, Reiki and Massage, we are well equipped to help you find relief from stress, injuries, illnesses, or discomfort.
Lea Siebert is an acupuncturist who routinely utilizes herbs, hypnosis, varied massage/bodywork techniques, energywork, and hormonal balancing to address the stressors that are everywhere around us. She first certified as a massage therapist and was introduced to Acupuncture meridian/point theory and Kinesiology-muscle testing in a series of Touch for Health courses.
Pain Neutralization Technique (PNT) is a group of powerfully effective yet gentle, pleasant needle-free techniques based in the blend of acupuncture theory and kinesiology created and taught directly by Dr. Stephen Kaufman. Dr. Kaufman's PNT seminars draw physicians and practitioners from around the world, where we greatly enjo and benefit in personally training with Dr. Kaufman.
Q. Do you always use needles in this process, and if so, how many do you use? A. Whether using ultra-fine painless pins or using magnets, I typically use four to twelve core acupuncture points to clear and energize a path for healing. The treatment is individualized to the client on that given day, so the number of needles may vary outside of that "typical" range.
A meditative multi-sensory multi-modal experience pairing gentle massage, Reiki, sound, aromatherapy, crystals and acupuncture (optional) to de-stress and balance your energy body. The session starts with Chakra-balancing music and a centering Guided Meditation, identifying the chakra for focused Aromatherapy with a back-shoulder-neck-head massage for further grounding.
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