Vision Statement: "We will inspire change and create positive outcomes for students to achieve and succeed." Mission Statement: "We will challenge and motivate students to learn and succeed with PRIDE." News is updated when we receive it. Twice a month, the Administration of Kea'au High School will hold a Coffee Hour with Parents & Community members.
This hour long meeting allows for communication to occur between the school Administration and our Parents/Community members. All meetings at the beginning of the month will be from 8:30am - 9:30am and meetings towards the end of the month will be from 4pm-5pm. We are proud to partner with Bay Clinic ones again for a Vaccination Clinic for anyone in our community.
This hour long meeting allows for communication to occur between the school Administration and our Parents/Community members. All meetings at the beginning of the month will be from 8:30am - 9:30am and meetings towards the end of the month will be from 4pm-5pm. We are proud to partner with Bay Clinic ones again for a Vaccination Clinic for anyone in our community.
Provided in this section is important links, information, and resources for all Kea'au High School students. Please let us know if you are in need of additional resources or support. Provided in this section is Grade Level Officer information and School wide Officer Information. Should you have questions regarding your grade level or campus wide activities, please use the form found on the classes page.
Make sure you come to campus fully prepared to have your picture taken. You should have your hair and/or makeup done already. The photographer will take up to two pictures and the student will decide which picture will be used. Formal pictures taken on campus will be made available Tuesday and Thursday during Wiki only.
Make sure to answer all sections of the form. If you have questions about the form contact Mr. Ho or the Finance Office. Due to restriction on sellable products, if you are trying to do a fundraiser that involves any food, you must abide by the HIDOE Nutrition Guidelines. The guidelines are listed below and must be followed.
You can search the library catalog, browse online references, log on to your library account, place a hold, & renew your checked out items. A digital library, OVERDRIVE is available to download free ebooks and audiobooks to your compatible mobile devices. Project Pod is an area in the library reserved for students to explore their creativity and encourages socializing through collaborative projects.
Please come and visit the Transition Center in E-TC found in E-building closest to G-Building. Inside the Transition Center you will find information on Colleges/Universities in Hawai'i and around the world as well as information about different scholarships available. If you have any questions about this program please go and speak to your counselor or e-mail them directly.