Climate Impact
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Climate Impact Company is a leading provider of analysis and consultation to industry, mainly energy and agriculture deciphering model data and climate signals to produce our own products for the specific needs of our clientele. Our forecast process is unique with an impressive track record since Climate Impact Company formed in May of 2004.

Climate Impact Company is obsessed with making the best month-to-month and seasonal climate forecast possible for all sectors of the globe. We branch the seasonal climate outlooks to the short-range forecasts with our unique week 2-4 outlook. Climate Impact Company monitors and forecasts all climate signals from ENSO to NAO/PNA to AMO/PDO to soil moisture and snow cover.
Scott Yuknis is the founder and CEO of Climate Impact Company, a meteorological and climate consulting company that changes the way industry looks at the impact of weather and climate on industry.

Prior to founding CIC, Scott was an operational weather and climate forecaster for Weather Services Corporation and Meteorlogix providing data, reports and consultation for nearly every major energy utility in the U.S., many media outlets including radio and newspapers and increasingly agribusiness.
Do you need expert consultation, data and products to protect your business from adverse weather events and climate regimes?. Climate Impact Company has provided such guidance since 2004 for energy, agriculture and other industries in the U.S. and worldwide. Please contact us for more information or try a free 7-day trial.
Industry Leaders in Agriculture, Energy and Risk Management agree: our medium-range and long-term climate forecasts give Climate Impact Company clients the research and analysis they need to stay competitive and be prepared. The "Early AG Market Wire" covering anything important in regard to weather and climate for all global crop areas.
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