Global Talent Booking provides the connections you need to secure top talent for your next concert or event. Select from hundreds of musicians, bands, artists, comedians, models and celebrities in our updated talent rosters. Talent Booking is dominated by negotiations, contracts, and details. In addition, the talent is always represented by their agents and attorneys.
Global Talent Booking, with over 15 years of talent booking experience under our belt, has the connections, experience, & expertise you'll want on your side of the deal. We specialize is bringing exceptional talent to your doorstep, worldwide. We at Global Talent Booking have consistently booked events no matter their geographic location around the world.
Global Talent Booking, with over 15 years of talent booking experience under our belt, has the connections, experience, & expertise you'll want on your side of the deal. We specialize is bringing exceptional talent to your doorstep, worldwide. We at Global Talent Booking have consistently booked events no matter their geographic location around the world.
Global Talent Booking is of the most renowned booking agencies in the world with vast global reach. We provide talent buying, booking, and consulting services to clients all over the world in more than 30 countries. From festivals to concerts, to intimate private engagements, Global Talent Booking handles all your booking needs.
When booking an artist there is no better tool available to a promoter of public or corporate events than booking agencies and entertainment agents. Booking artists requires a great deal of experience and expertise, which is why it is so important to have the correct assistance when proceeding into the contracting, negotiation and offer phases that coincide with booking a artist.
Global Talent Booking books concerts, speakers, events, and more, at College Campuses World Wide. College concerts, and booking the talent, is an age-old tradition and thought to be one of the best ways to bring the student body together. As college students are so in tune with the music and the pop celebrity scene, this is also a great way for promoters and event planners to bring the students at a single, or more than one, university together.
Global Talent Booking has extensive experience bringing corporate events to life. We book musical talent, speakers, comedians, super models, and much more. Let us help you get the talent, logistics, and contracts right, so you can concentrate on your brand and the business at hand. Corporate events are a vital element in any corporation's overall branding, marketing and advertising strategy.
Event Production can be a very difficult task for inexperienced promoters and even for experienced concert promoters or event planners who are looking to work with larger venues than they are accustomed to. This process includes planning the lighting, sound, security and permits as well as designing and distributing marketing materials relevant to the event.
Reviews (1)
D. J.
Jun 08, 2017