Our team of experienced, professional and highly skilled licensed Audiologists are dedicated to helping patients achieve better hearing. We are the audiologists who patients and physicians trust and are proud to have served East Central Minnesota and surrounding communities with professionalism, honesty, and integrity over the past 25 years.
At East Centreal Audiology, you can expect patient centered hearing care by a team of highly skilled and compassionate Licensed Audiologist. East Central Audiology is committed to providing our community with the highest quality hearing care in a warm and caring environment. We understand that nothing is more important than you and your hearing needs.
At East Centreal Audiology, you can expect patient centered hearing care by a team of highly skilled and compassionate Licensed Audiologist. East Central Audiology is committed to providing our community with the highest quality hearing care in a warm and caring environment. We understand that nothing is more important than you and your hearing needs.
If you have been referred for a diagnostic audiologic evaluation, it means that your hearing needs to be further examined. A diagnostic audiologic evaluation may be indicated for individuals who did not pass an initial hearing screening. The evaluation is done to determine if a hearing loss is present and, if so, to detail the.
If you have been referred for a diagnostic audiologic evaluation, it means that your hearing needs to be further examined. A diagnostic audiologic evaluation may be indicated for individuals who did not pass an initial hearing screening. The evaluation is done to determine if a hearing loss is present and, if so, to detail the type and severity of the hearing loss.
Cerumen, also known as earwax, is naturally produced by the glands in the ears to lubricate the ear canals and keep dust and debris from getting too far down in the ear canal. Cerumen typically clears itself from the ears, but in some instances can accumulate and cause a blockage, especially if you wear earmolds or hearing aids.
There are several steps that are part of a hearing aid evaluation. If you suspect that you might need a hearing aid, you will first need to have a hearing evaluation. At the time of the hearing evaluation, a case history will be taken to determine how much your hearing problem impacts your day-to-day life as well as the lives of your family.
Once you have selected your hearing aids after an evaluation, your hearing professional will program them, based on a prescription, to meet your hearing needs. This appointment will generally take at least one hour, possibly more, so ensure you allot enough time. It is also a good idea to bring a family member or close friend to the hearing aid fitting so they can help remember all the information that is given and be a support to you.