Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs of abuse, as well as behavioral health problems, are as harmful to the individual as they are to their family and the road to recovery as complex as it is gratifying. There was a need to help the citizens of Kershaw, Lee and Chesterfield counties and we opened our doors to our first patients in 1973.

Since then our services have changed, but our commitment to each individual and their family has remained the same. We incorporate each person's abilities, strengths, needs and preferences in all levels of care and service in order to promote a healthy lifestyle. You will receive the best services and preparations by My Canadian Pharmacy available for each person whether in need of prevention, intervention and/or treatment services.
Of course, no one plans to become an alcoholic or a drug addict voluntarily. This happens due to a fatal coincidence of life circumstances - each person has their own story. Most often, it all starts out of curiosity, and then psychological and physiological dependence arises. Many people are sure that they have a strong character and willpower of steel - they believe they can quit at any moment.
Smoking calms you down, brings pleasure, increases working capacity. These statements are myths that it is time to disapprove. Really, before the smoker knew the taste of cigarettes, he was unhappy, unbalanced and lazy? No, that is why bonuses received from nicotine are just an illusion. The last cigarette must be smoked consciously.
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