We work to assure that Westmoreland County farmers have sufficient land to provide the agricultural products needed by the County and the Commonwealth. Agricultural Security Areas and Agricultural Conservation Easements are two of the tools used to preserve the County's rich agricultural heritage. Encourage your locally elected officials to support the protection of our valuable farmland.

Why do farmers farm, given their economic adversities on top of the many frustrations and difficulties normal to farming? And always the answer is: Love. They must do it for love. Farmers farm for the love of farming. They love to watch and nurture the growth of plants. They love to live in the presence of animals.
With the hustle and bustle going on everyday in today's world, many of us forget the where the products we buy come from, and what connection they have to us. From buying our milk in plastic jugs at the convenience store, to picking through fruit and vegetables at the colossal chain supermarket, many of us don't give a second thought to where our food comes from or how it was grown.
The agricultural security area law (Act 43 of 1981) provides a tool for strengthening and protecting agriculture in Pennsylvania. Agricultural Security Areas promote more permanent and viable farming operations over the long-term by strengthening the farming community's sense of security in the land use and their right to farm.
The Department of Agriculture recognizes Pennsylvania families who have been farming the same land for 100 and 200 years through the Century and Bicentennial Farm Programs. The same family must own the farm for at least 100 (Century Farm) or 200 (Bicentennial Farm) consecutive years;. The farm must consist of at least 10 acres of the original holding, OR gross more than $1,000 annually from the sale of farm products.
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