At Grivet Outdoors, we promise to offer you the best selection of running shoes, running apparel, and outdoor gear. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are ready to help you find the perfect shoes and the right fit. Improve performance, reduce injuries, and run happier in shoes perfect for you. Pick up everything you need for your next adventure or fitness goal at one store, from nutrition products to technology.
We also offer custom shoe fittings, mold unique insoles in-store and offer advice for every activity. With two locations in Memphis, TN, Grivet Outdoors is the best locally-owned running specialty and outdoor gear shop in town.
We also offer custom shoe fittings, mold unique insoles in-store and offer advice for every activity. With two locations in Memphis, TN, Grivet Outdoors is the best locally-owned running specialty and outdoor gear shop in town.
In the beginning, we decided on the name Grass Monkey. Then we did a little more research. Grass Monkey can also refer to, among other things, a Busch Light with an orange squeezed into it. Needless to say, we still had our logo, but we were out a name. Until-like the twenty-first-century primatologists and adventurers we didn't know we were-we discovered, in the wilds of the Interwebs, the perfect mascot: the grivet.
Whether you pronate, supinate, or run at a neutral gait, our friendly and knowledgeable staff are eager to pull from their years of experience to help you find the best shoes at the right fit.
We carry a diverse line of brands, so no matter what you're in the market for-the maxed-out cushioning of the Hoka One One Bondi, grippy trail shoes like the Altra Lone Peak, lightweight racers such as the On Running Cloudswift or everyday trainers like the reliable Brooks Ghost-you're sure to find shoes that best align with your individual stride and needs.
We carry a diverse line of brands, so no matter what you're in the market for-the maxed-out cushioning of the Hoka One One Bondi, grippy trail shoes like the Altra Lone Peak, lightweight racers such as the On Running Cloudswift or everyday trainers like the reliable Brooks Ghost-you're sure to find shoes that best align with your individual stride and needs.
What's up, man? Do you like running, hiking, or just love being outdoors? Because that's what Grivet is about. Our site is loaded up with all your essential outerwear and gear to help you do what you love. Think running shoes, trail shoes, hiking boots, sunglasses and backpacks, active and outerwear for all your outdoor needs.
When your kids say again "There is nothing to do", ask us here in Grivet what you can do. There is no one out there that loves being in the "wild" more than us. This is proven in the hundreds of products for the free spirits we offer ranging including and not limited to footwear, outwear, sports equipment and many more.
Altra's patented Zero Drop technology comes with a zero drop platform which means your foot is flat from heel to toe. The addition of their unique FootShape toe box means the front of your foot will have room to splay the toes out to provide proper balance.
These advancements, among a wealth of other forward thinking additions like INNERFLEX which grid-like flex grooves in the midsole allow your foot to flex where it needs to for more speed and improved performance.They've implemented these technologies into running and trail shoes as well as some casual footwear.
These advancements, among a wealth of other forward thinking additions like INNERFLEX which grid-like flex grooves in the midsole allow your foot to flex where it needs to for more speed and improved performance.They've implemented these technologies into running and trail shoes as well as some casual footwear.
Reviews (9)
Angela Ko
Jan 18, 2022
I order a pair of very expensive shoes on Jan. 10th and they showed shipped out from USPS on Jan 11th, but package being held . Grivets showed a tracking number they email to me . When I call the USPS listed for that location I received that it is a cell phone . I also called the USPS number and they show nothing . I called Grivet 2 times and sent 2 emails. They ( Grivet ) wanted me to wait until January 24th . which is 12 days from time shipped. These shoes weren't cheap on their website . They are $169.00. I ask them for a refund . I don't feel they are doing a good job at being honest on my
Devon Campbell
Aug 30, 2021
Stephen Seward
Aug 01, 2021
Sammm Sammm
Jun 15, 2021
Incog Incog
Jun 14, 2021
Buy shoes in last of year 2019.
They said that the shoes were impermeable (in part), but after I went out for a little walk in the light rain, my feet were all wet through.
And it cost me $ 100 + $ 30 sending to my country.
Of course, I wanted to return at least some of my money, but the store did not want to respond on the Amazon page.
When I called them, they told me that since 30 days have passed, the parcel cannot be returned ...
And all this winter I had to walk in these Altra lone peak 3 neoshells, freeze and get sick.
I just didn't have money for other shoes, I didn't!
They said that the shoes were impermeable (in part), but after I went out for a little walk in the light rain, my feet were all wet through.
And it cost me $ 100 + $ 30 sending to my country.
Of course, I wanted to return at least some of my money, but the store did not want to respond on the Amazon page.
When I called them, they told me that since 30 days have passed, the parcel cannot be returned ...
And all this winter I had to walk in these Altra lone peak 3 neoshells, freeze and get sick.
I just didn't have money for other shoes, I didn't!
Bryant Wiseguy
Apr 25, 2021
Me and my wife walked in Grivet just to look around and man was that a great ideal. We were greeted as soon as we got in. Wish I could remember the name of the employee that helped, but he was amazing. Needless to say we ended up buying, shoes, hats and other things. Great experience all around. Love this store and we will only buy our shoes from them for now on.
Karen Mullis
Mar 27, 2021
Daniel Lambert
Nov 25, 2020
Seamless buying experience…
I got 24% off on my pair of running shoes. Since it was completely a new place for me, I raised a lot of questions related to delivery, return policy and product reliability before their customer support team. And, I was thrilled how patiently they answered all the questions. The shoe was of top-notch quality as well. Thanks!!
I got 24% off on my pair of running shoes. Since it was completely a new place for me, I raised a lot of questions related to delivery, return policy and product reliability before their customer support team. And, I was thrilled how patiently they answered all the questions. The shoe was of top-notch quality as well. Thanks!!
Erik Woodard
Jan 07, 2020
My feet have always been oddly shaped, making it difficult to find shoes. They are really wide by the toes. The guy manning the store immediately recommended some Altra zero drop running shoes with a super wide toe box. They fit perfectly. I know right away if shoes will work for me. They didn't have the color I wanted in stock, but they ordered them and I received them in a few days. They are still comfortable and holding up a year later. I think they were the same price or maybe a bit cheaper online, but nothing beats trying on shoes and knowing you got the right size. Plus the satisfaction of