What we do at The Healing Experience follows the Model of Integrative and Holistic Healing which is a Natural Adjunct to Western Medicine. Restore a harmonious flow of energy across your body. When your chakras are balanced, you will feel relaxed, centered, grounded, energized, and aware. Holy Fire Reiki is both powerful and gentle which provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.
Reach a higher level of consciousness. Hands-on techniques to increase circulation, relieve tension, reduce stress, relieve anxiety, improve sleep, and promote relaxation throughout the entire body, as well as many other benefits. Reflexology is one the most effective ways to reduce stress and the related symptoms that stress can cause.
Reach a higher level of consciousness. Hands-on techniques to increase circulation, relieve tension, reduce stress, relieve anxiety, improve sleep, and promote relaxation throughout the entire body, as well as many other benefits. Reflexology is one the most effective ways to reduce stress and the related symptoms that stress can cause.
Reflexology is one the most effective ways to reduce stress and the related symptoms that stress can cause. We understand that you are not living your best life possible unless your mind and body are completely healthy. The most obvious outcome of a reflexology treatment is immediate relaxation and a sense of well-being.
Each Healing Mug is created straight from the Heart and made of Clay and if that's not the coolest, they each come with a special stone in the handle. Such stones as Lapis - this stone balances the physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual levels, bringing inner self knowledge. I actually took it with me when my father was in the ER receiving a blood transfusion, it was so calming that he fell asleep during his visit at the Hospital!
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