No-till on the Plains, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit educational organization providing information for producers to adopt high-quality continuous no-till systems, and to further develop those systems.
While adopting high-quality continuous no-tillage and utilizing the best agronomic practices has the potential to greatly improve producers efficiency and profitability, many other benefits accrue to society, such as greatly reduced soil erosion of cropland, less sedimentation of rivers, lakes, and streams along with improved wildlife habitat, all while sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide in soil organic matter.
While adopting high-quality continuous no-tillage and utilizing the best agronomic practices has the potential to greatly improve producers efficiency and profitability, many other benefits accrue to society, such as greatly reduced soil erosion of cropland, less sedimentation of rivers, lakes, and streams along with improved wildlife habitat, all while sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide in soil organic matter.
The plant residue left in the field after harvest is a valuable resource. Increasing demand for harvested crop residue has left many producers wondering whether they should bale and sell their crop. Grain Sorghum is a primary crop in the High Plains in drought vulnerable areas. The crop is frequently planted in a no-till system, but herbicide and insecticide treatment is common place.
Since the dawn of time mankind has lived from the food, fiber, and fuel that earth has provided. Thousands of years passed without issue. But examination of history has determined that changes must be enacted if civilization as we know it will continue. The World's arable lands have been degraded by inadequate farming techniques since the dawn of modern agriculture.
Cover crops are used primarily as a method to keep the soil covered during periods of time when a cash crop is not being grown. A cover crop can be a single species or multiple species planted at the same time. Some commonly used cover crops are cereal rye, buckwheat, cowpeas, mung beans, clovers and oats.
Darin is the author of the 2019 report "Tackling the Farm Crisis and the Climate Crisis" and the 2019 book Civilization Critical: Energy, Food, Nature, and the Future. Shenandoah, Iowa farmer Chris Teachout has been using soil health principles on his farm for the last 20 years. Hear what Chris has unearthed from a soil caretaker point of view.
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