We've Done It.for Wendy's, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Laz Boy, Jiffy Lube, and thousands of other large and small businesses. Like the 80% of national companies that make jingles an integral part of their advertising, these clients chose to take advantage of the power of musical branding.
The reason they chose Jeff Arthur is that, along with being among the elite few Clio Award-winning jingle houses in the United States, we're known for our ability to transparently translate every client's vision, mission, and marketing objectives into precisely aligned creative - creative that sings directly to their prospects, building top-of-mind memorability and growing market share as a built-in function of all their rich content advertising.
The reason they chose Jeff Arthur is that, along with being among the elite few Clio Award-winning jingle houses in the United States, we're known for our ability to transparently translate every client's vision, mission, and marketing objectives into precisely aligned creative - creative that sings directly to their prospects, building top-of-mind memorability and growing market share as a built-in function of all their rich content advertising.
Jeff Arthur is president and founder of Jeff Arthur Studio, a company which offers custom musical images for clients at radio and television stations throughout the nation, as well as film and television scores, team fight songs, audio/visual presentations, and state-of-the-art on-hold messaging systems.
Add a Clio and Addy Award-winning staff to the mix, and you've all the tools you need to translate your vision into sound and music. Plug-in software and outboard gear is too numerous to list. For more specific information, please contact us. Studio B 150 square foot acoustically designed control room.
But there is a certain melodical, redundant appeal to a well-done jingle that is at once irrepressible and unrelenting, two qualities usually assigned to our finest pop arts. Some jingle writers focus on local and regional business, but there are a select few that transcend their own locale, reaching the heights of the profession.