The Johnson County Antique Market is a popular one day monthly show held in Franklin, Indiana at the Johnson County Fairgrounds. This is the show's 26th year. This show offers a wonderful selection of Antiques and Vintage Collectibles including Primitives, Furniture, Jewelry, Glass, Linens, Tools, Toys, Advertising and more!
Breakfast & Lunch is provided at the Market Kitchen. While you are in town for the Johnson County Antique Market make sure you check out the 12 local shops for more treasures! All conveniently located on Jefferson Street, Downtown Franklin. Here are a few.
Breakfast & Lunch is provided at the Market Kitchen. While you are in town for the Johnson County Antique Market make sure you check out the 12 local shops for more treasures! All conveniently located on Jefferson Street, Downtown Franklin. Here are a few.
Reviews (1)
Phil B.
Feb 09, 2019