During the ensuing years, a dedicated group of members diligently worked to keep the spirit and purpose of the club alive, eventually rebuilding the club's membership and its facility. In September of 2012 the Lauderdale Isles Yacht & Tennis Club (LIYTC) merged with the Circle Yacht Club (CYC) and changed its name to Lauderdale Isles Yacht Club (LIYC) as it is known by today.
As a result, members will enjoy much reduced dues, the club will meet at various locations for meetings and events and we will continue to arrange boating events for members.
As a result, members will enjoy much reduced dues, the club will meet at various locations for meetings and events and we will continue to arrange boating events for members.
Membership is for the Member and immediate family. Guests are welcome to the bar and restaurant as paying guest customers at outside prices. Members are asked to limit the number of guests and notify the club for any special needs in advance. Guests can be asked to become members if they frequent the facility with a member on a repeated basis.
The Lauderdale Isles Yacht club is a member of the Yachting club of America. Our members are entitled to utilize the facilities of over 700 yacht clubs across America listed in the Register of American Yacht Clubs. Usage includes the use of restaurants and dockage as available. Please contact the club you are interested in for details as some opt not to honor reciprocity.
The benefits of Membership include access to our facilities, discounts at partner businesses, reduced banquet room and pavilion rentals and youth programs. LIYTC members also enjoy access to hundreds of yacht clubs around the country via reciprocity by the Yachting Club of America and its register of American yacht clubs.