Let us help you with all your computer needs. We provide remote assistance worldwide by telephone and by email; and we especially enjoy serving our customers on-site throughout the beautiful wooded hills of South Mississippi. Whether you are a large business looking to upgrade its network, a small business looking to develop a web presence for the first time, or an individual who needs technical assistance with a single computer, East Lincoln Computer Services is ready to help you.
The local service area includes all of Lawrence County and the portion of Lincoln County east of Interstate 55. This covers the towns of Brookhaven and Monticello, among others. On-site visits made to locations in the local service area are charged at our discounted rate of $8 per visit. The standard service area covers the counties surrounding Lawrence County.
Contact East Lincoln Computer Services by email, telephone or US Mail. Telephone calls and email received outside our normal business hours will not be returned until the following business day, unless prior arrangements have been made for emergency service. Email: Please leave either your email address or your telephone number so that we can respond to you.
East Lincoln Computer Services provides friendly, competent technical support for business and home users. A disturbing trend in the computer industry has been to cut costs by diminishing the quality of product technical support. Sometimes this is accomplished by outsourcing technical support overseas.
Although we do not sell computer hardware, we provide a wide variety of hardware related options, including repairs, purchasing advice, technical support, and user training. Even when your manufacturer abandons your equipment, East Lincoln Computer Services will stand by you. We offer technical support for a wide variety of hardware and software at extremely reasonable rates.
Whether you need web page scripting, database development, or a standalone scientific application, East Lincoln Computer Services can handle your custom programming needs. Software design: database development, human computer interaction, information presentation, displays. Scientific programming: statistics, data analysis, medical applications, mathematical problems.
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