I'm a Jikiden Reiki Shihan (certified teacher) and continue to study with Tadao Yamaguchi and Frank Arjava Petter. Jikiden Reiki is the Usui Reiki lineage directly from Japan as taught by Hayashi Sensei. I offer Jikiden Reiki seminars in Shoden (Level I) and Okuden (Level II). I have been an independent Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and practitioner who studied with 3 Western Usui Reiki Master/Teachers in the past.
I have been blessed to offer Reiki healing and trainings in the Usui System of Natural Healing in Northern California since 2007. I'm honored to offer my students and clients the original Reiki teachings of Makao Usui. I will continue my Jikiden Reiki training with Tadao Sensei and Arjava Sensei to further my Reiki healing knowledge for myself, students, clients and community.
I have been blessed to offer Reiki healing and trainings in the Usui System of Natural Healing in Northern California since 2007. I'm honored to offer my students and clients the original Reiki teachings of Makao Usui. I will continue my Jikiden Reiki training with Tadao Sensei and Arjava Sensei to further my Reiki healing knowledge for myself, students, clients and community.
Jikiden Reiki is the original teachings of Mikao Usui, as taught by Hayashi Sensei in Japan. This means jikiden Reiki is the authentic Japanese Reiki teachings, uninfluenced by other healing modalities or cultures. I'm filled with joy and gratitude to be able to share Jikiden Reiki and its teachings as taught and practiced in Japan since the 1930's by Hayashi Sensei and Chiyoko Yamaguchi.
Jikiden Reiki Seminars can be scheduled at the student's convenience if there are 2 or more students wanting to attend. When my schedule allows and all requirements are provided, I am more than happy to travel to teach Reiki classes if sponsored by a host. Please contact me directly for additional information and requirements on these classes and seminars.
The Distance Healing Network is an amazing and free service for all who need healing and prayers. I encourage you to sign up for both "DHN" in addition to requesting distance healing from me. We can never receive too much healing. Name of person, Age (approximate is fine), Male or Female, Location (City, State, Country) and Condition in need of healing.
An Intuituve Singing Bowl Attunement is a combination of approximately 30 Crystal and Tibetan Singings Bowls. I work with many Classic Frosted Crystal Singing Bowls, an Amethyst Bowl, Citrine Bowl and some Optical Quarts Bowls. In addition I also work with a very powerful 9-inch Crystal Singing Bowl made of Citrine, Kyanite, and Ocean Indium.
Past Life Regression is a gentle way to journey back through your soul's path to help you in your current life. Life today can be very distracting and past life memories are hidden deep in the soul filing cabinet, the subconscious mind. A Past Life Regression session guides you into a deeply quiet and peaceful state where the soul's journey is more easily accessed.
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