MuseArts has been designing web sites since 1997 and in that time, we've had a chance to build just about everything. If you've seen it on the Internet, we can probably do it. For mid-sized businesses, we've built complex, database-backed web services and configured shopping carts and payment gateways.
For large entertainment and education companies, we've created animation, interactive games, and online activities to amuse and educate site visitors. For individuals, we've set up blogs, web sites, and online event calendars that they can maintain themselves. We think the heart of your online presence is your web site, but that's not all you need to be successful online.
For large entertainment and education companies, we've created animation, interactive games, and online activities to amuse and educate site visitors. For individuals, we've set up blogs, web sites, and online event calendars that they can maintain themselves. We think the heart of your online presence is your web site, but that's not all you need to be successful online.
If your site is up and running, it may be time to consider adding new, useful features to your web site in the form of an add-on, plugin, widget, or other special feature. Cell phones, smart phones, and mobile devices are ubiquitous today - everywhere, you'll see people using their phones for maps, directions, and information.
At MuseArts, we enjoy designing logos, artwork, and animation for web sites and other uses. Once we know what you're looking for, MuseArts will create a variety of samples for you to evaluate. We can then help you narrow the choices and refine the design until you're completely satisfied with your new logo.
MuseArts Animation & Cartoons began as an exercise to apply animation skills to the web, and to learn Flash software. We had been looking at Flash as a tool for a few years, but by version 3 in the late 1990's, it had evolved into something that could no longer be ignored as a tool for 2-D web animation.
Children's Media Digitization Project is an effort to preserve student work created in the media programs at Capital Children's Museum in Washington, D.C. Former director of Media Arts at CCM, Christopher Grotke is digitizing old videotaped work and uploading files to the Internet Archive. It's a labor of love, done in free time, to save some great animation and video projects spanning the mid 1980's through the early 2000's.
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