Arcata Garbage
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There are no tonnage restrictions but lengths must be less than 8 feet. Eureka Recycling Center is currently decertified and is no longer offering CRV buyback services. There is currently no time table for this service to return. CRV Buyback services have been discontinued.

Customers are required to arrive with clean and dry recyclable materials or hazardous waste materials that are presorted prior to arrival, to wear face coverings and abide by the facility's rules to maintain social distancing.Sanitizers are available for customer use. Presorting of materials will assist in the efficient placement of materials into bins or carts.
Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) was established by a Joint Powers Agreement comprised of the County of Humboldt and the Cities of Arcata, Blue Lake, Eureka, Ferndale and Rio Dell in 1999. The Authority is governed by a six-member Board of Directors who regularly meet and provide direction to the Authority's Executive Director.
The Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) is soliciting applications for the Administrative Services Director. The Humboldt Waste Management Authority (HWMA) is soliciting applications for the Position of Executive Director. HWMA is excited to announce this unique opportunity for their next Executive Director.
Many batteries contain heavy metals which can contaminate streams, rivers and the surrounding land. Because of this potential enviromental impact, batteries should not be disposed of in the trash or in your recycling bins. Drop off your home-generated batteries (non-auto) at the following locations at no charge.
Recycling carpet saves natural resources, conserves landfill space, and reduces dependency on fossil fuels. Old carpet can be recycled and made into useful new products, like traffic signs, insulation, new carpet and carpet padding. If you wish to recycle carpet, please see an attendant for access to the carpet trailer on site.
Electronic waste or "E-Waste" may contain lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium or other heavy metals. When disposed in the landfill, these toxic materials can leach into our waterways and soil, damaging personal and environmental health. Electronic waste may be brought to the Eureka Recycling Center during regular operating hours.
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