Kings Agri Seeds
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We service the Middle Atlantic and Northeastern regions of the United States by providing a full line of forage seed, livestock focused corn hybrids and cover crop seed. We have been focusing on high quality forages since 1993. We specialize in perennial and annual mixtures designed for your backyard and offer a full line of improved varieties from around the world selected for local performance.

Cover crops are rapidly gaining popularity for many uses ranging from no-till grain production to organic farming. No-till farmers are finding that cover crops are a major key to successful transition and continual productivity. Our floury hybrids are unique to the industry. They fit into two major use areas: The first is livestock feed as either corn silage or digestible grain.
Our goal is to help you develop forage and cropping systems that are balanced and profitable. We have a strong dealer network serving farms from Virginia to Maine. Our dealer network is supported by several agronomists and livestock professionals. Our core strength is in forage systems and cover crops.
Brome grasses or the Genus Bromusis a large family that comprises over 60 different species. It is a cool season grass that is found in Europe, Africa, Australia and North America. It is primarily used as forage and in some areas as erosion control. Some brome grasses can be used alone or in mixes with other grasses and legumes.
Alfalfa is a 3-to-5 year crop that is an excellent source of protein. It is the most drought-tolerant legume and does not thrive under wet conditions. As a legume, it fixes its own nitrogen but utilizes a lot of potassium. Its fiber is not as digestible as grasses, so adding late heading grasses to alfalfa improves the feeding qualities of alfalfa and reduces weeds and insect pressure.
King's AgriSeeds, in conjunction with our dealer network and comments from many of you, has developed several premium perennial forage mixtures adapted to the Middle Atlantic and Northeast. All of these mixtures have great potential to make high quality forage. It is also possible to blend some of our mixtures together to increase species diversity.
In addition to selling forages that can double as cover crops, King's AgriSeeds has developed a variety of cover crop mixes that will help increase soil health. Species blends are far more beneficial in improving the life of your soil than a monoculture. Cover crop seed mix has huge potential to improve your farm's long term productivity and profitability.
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